In accordance to Tennessee Open Meetings Act (TCA §8-44-101), Circles of Success’ Board Meetings are public meetings open to the public at all times, except as provided by the Constitution of Tennessee. A Board Meeting schedule is provided for your convenience.

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes October 2023

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Attending: Sheri Catron Cooper; Sylverna Ford; Arlender Jones; Daryl Leven; Kenneth Robinson; Marilynn Robinson; R. Troy Wilkins; Karen Dodson

1. The meeting was called to order by Board Vice Chair M. Robinson at 12:05 pm.
2. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting was moved by Karen Dodson and seconded by Daryl Leven. The motion was approved unanimously.
3. Report from the CEO – Sheri Catron Cooper Compliance
• Annual School Report submitted and approved.
• Annual PreK Visit (First 8 Memphis) conducted.
• Annual Site Visit (MSCS Charter School Office) conducted..
• Annual Health Inspection – Scored 99
• Financial Report for the School Nutrition Program
• Emergency Management Plan approved
All required drills conducted.

School Events
• Annual Title I Meeting and Open House – Over half of our families attended.
• Grandparent’s Day – Approximately 250 attendees.
• Leadership Summit (October 18th-20th) New Hope Church
• Total Spent: $11,325.00

Anticipated Church Payment: $3.000.00

Grand Total Spent $7,325.00
Discussion: The church should help with more expenses than the amount presently given. There is a mid-year conference coming up in March and we need to have discussions around how we will handle that transition.
Auditor Update
A new auditor was selected. Luther Speight and Co. They came highly recommended, have met 
guidelines as required by the State, and will work to complete our process by December 31st as required. Their fee is $38,000, which is somewhat comparable with others. This will be a one- year contract and we will revisit this during the next semester.
• TCAP Scores – Level 5 Rating
• Embargoed Scores are: ELA=5; Math=4; Science=5
Building Upkeep
Being on a Correction Action Plan with the Fire Marshall, we were able to address long-standing concerns in the church building. A return visit is expected soon.
Budget Revisions
A special call meeting may be necessary to share budget updates and revisions. Details are forthcoming.
4. Old Business
• Board member, Dr. K. Robinson, asked if there were any updates on the building acquisition, 
lawsuit or etc. There were none, other than the building we originally were set to purchase 
was still available.
• There was discussion about a more positive working environment with the church’s present 
• In terms of the building contractor and finance organization, our files are still open.
• Principal Catron Cooper is in consistent contact with church leadership and checking for 
updates around the lawsuit. As of today, no decisions have been met but options are being 
• In terms of the building contractor and finance organization, our files are still open.
• Dr. K. Robinson shared presentation reports, from the Annual Conference, that spoke well of 
the church/school working together.
• Principal Catron Cooper is hopeful there will be some resolve with the lawsuit during this 
school year.
• In keeping with the new laws, the school will request a School Safety Officer. Issues that have 
occurred during the school day and security concerns were discussed. Principal Catron Cooper has hired security for some special events or at times when activities are generally expected. The board will be kept abreast of any updates with the request. Board members agreed that security may need to be included in our budget plans for the upcoming school year.

Closing business
• A. Jones moved, and K. Dodson seconded the motion for adjournment. The meeting adjournment was at 12:43 pm.

Minutes recorded by Sylverna Ford, Secretary of the Board

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes August 2023

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Attending: D Burton; Sheri Catron Cooper; Sylverna Ford; Lisa Jackson; Arlender Jones; Rhonda Lee; Daryl Leven; Marcus Newman, Kenneth Robinson; Marilynn Robinson; Cecilia Sawyer Guest: R. Troy Wilkins

1. The meeting was called to order by Board Chair Daryl Leven at 12:03 pm.
2. Approval of the minutes from the last meeting was moved by Kenneth Robinson and seconded by Cecelia Sawyer. The motion was approved unanimously. Approval of the financial report was put on hold as Wayne Palmer has been working on the financial report for last year which is due today.
3. Report from the CEO – Sheri Catron Cooper Compliance
• Annual Financial Report is being submitted today.
• Emergency Management Plan was submitted. Has been approved.
• Annual site visit is scheduled for October 2023.
• Auditor - there is a possibility that another auditor will have to be selected. Current auditor is planning to cease doing charter school audits.
• Authorizer – this topic should actually be Sponsor. Sponsorship is no longer required for charter schools as of July 1st. COSLA is no longer under the sponsorship of The Works. COSLA is now a stand-alone 501C3 entity.
• Line of credit –has been renewed for this year. August is the only month the line of credit has had to be used this year.

• TCAP Scores - met success rate; exceeded anticipated success rate by 8 points.
• TCAP/3 grade retention –all 3rd grade students promoted to the 4th grade. This was the result of a combination of retesting, summer school participation, and two successful appeals.
• Summer Learning Program – 125 of 240 eligible students participated; primarily for 1st through 4th graders; met 90% attendance rate.
• Back to school night – August 22nd

• Enrollment – currently 243 students
• School Nutrition Audit - Likely to occur in January or February 2024
• TISA Funding - currently set at $6800 per student (TISA stands for Tennessee Investment in Student Achievement). Current basis for establishing student funding.
• Fire Marshall Compliance - painting has been done, floors have been addressed; exposed wires have been covered. We should be in better shape for the next inspection.

4. Governance
Prospective member profile – Governance Committee will be evaluating to determine what skills we need to add to our board and developing a prospective member profile that can inform the search for additional board members.
5. Other Business
Magnolia Project
There has been no additional movement on the Magnolia project at this time. There have been 2 meetings with Pastor Thomas, but no resolution has been reached so far. The possibility of an amenable resolution seems likely at this point.
• It was suggested that it would be helpful for the Board Members to know what is on the table for consideration at this time.
• No other bids have been made on Magnolia so far so, we can use this time to resolve the matter with the church before entering a new bid on the school.
• It is possible that COSLA could be able to be in the building for the start of the 2024 school year.
Status of COSLA
• A number of the long - standing maintenance issues have been addressed.
• It was noted that at this point, there has been no turnover in the school staff for the start of this school year.
• Attitudes and spirits seem to be positive and encouraging.
Marketing Opportunity
• Kenneth Robinson suggested that it would be helpful to draft a document that highlights the good things that are going on with COSLA.
• This could help with Board member recruitment as well as being used to inform the church congregation and the community of the strengths of COSLA.
• Daryl indicated that he and Sheri will get together to begin to work on drafting such a document.
6. Closing business • Next meeting is scheduled for September 20th
• Marilyn Robinson moved, and Marcus Newman seconded the motion for adjournment. The meeting was adjournment at 12:58 pm.

Minutes recorded by Sylverna Ford, Secretary of the Board

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes November 2022

Members and Guests Attending: Wayne Palmer, Sheri Catron Cooper, R. Troy Wilkins, Rev. Marilynm Robinson, Karen Dotson, Dr. Kenneth Robinson, Darly Leven, Arlenda Jones, Cecelia Sawyer

1. President Daryl Leven called the meeting to order at 12:08 pm.
2. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved with no changes or corrections.
3. New Board Member welcomed; R. Troy Wilkins formerly with Knowledge Quest, now working as Director of Operations at COSLA.
4. The financial report was reviewed.
- No particular anomalies were noted.
- At this point in the current school year, finances are holding steady. Awaiting some reimbursement funds from the state. The financial report was approved unanimously.
5. Board Members Updates
- Governance
- Potential New Board Members
- In-Person Meeting Updates
6. CEO School Update
- Renewal visits are all completed as we await our final renewal approval. o Dr. Cooper reported a summary of findings from the renewal visit in the areas ofAcademics, Climate, Operations, Financial Standing Each area was found solid, however, financial standing does require some minor attention to maintain standards.
- Renewal visit was an overall success. School is very near capacity with enrollment and the visit team is aware of our need to relocate.
- Annual Training must be completed by 11/23. Email distribution has taken place to all board members
7. Other Business
- Fire Marshal Visit. Issues found were minor as it related to COSLA responsibility and corrective action plan has been created.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 1:01 pm.

Minutes recorded by Sylverna Ford, Board Secretary

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes October 2022

Members Attending: Cecelia Sawyer, Marcus Newman, Karen Dotson, Sheri Catron Cooper, Ian Randolph, Marilynn Robinson, Arlender Jones, Deneen Burton

1. Meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by President Daryl Leven.
2. Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes were approved as submitted.
3. Financial report Board members received the financial report which was distributed electronically.
- Still awaiting funds from MSCS and State.
- Pre K Funds are still awaiting distribution to COSLA. Awaiting signatures from both City and County Mayors
- Request made for some potential forward on funds for PreK, awaiting response.
- ESSER reimbursements have been received.
- Loan review with Board Member Jones’s bank of employment
- The financial picture is in order at this time. The financial report was approved unanimously.
4. School Compliances Report made by Sheri Catron Cooper Governance Committee Report
- School Improvement Plan - Submitted
- ESSER, PREK, and Title 1 Budgets - Submitted
- 2021-2022 Annual Report - Submitted
- SNP Annual Report - Submitted
- Operations Scorecard Uploads with September Indicators - Completed
- Annual Charter School Visit - Completed - Preliminary Findings due mid-October with final renewal vote mid-December by MSCS Board
- Renewal Visit - Scheduled
- Emergency Medical Plan - Completed Enrollment
- PreK 40
- KK - 5th 220
- Total 260
- School Performance Ratings Released
-- COSLA achieved Level 5 status
-- TN Reward School Attorneys Jeff Feberman and Lani Hester joined the meeting to discuss legal opinions related to the on-going legal actions being taken by St Andrews AME Church. Options presented to the Board to ponder that can have potential impacts on school status.
5. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was approved unanimously at 1:07 pm

Minutes recorded by: Sylverna Ford, Board Secretary

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes July 2022

MembersAttending: Daryl Leven, Sheri Catron Cooper, Ceclia Sawyer, Ian Randolph, Wayne Palmer, Arlender Jones, Rhonda Lee, and Marcus Newman

1. Meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by President Daryl Leven.
2. Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. Minutes were approved as submitted.
3. Financial report Board members received the financial report which was distributed electronically.
- There are still outstanding funds that should be coming in from the state.
- So far, our per pupil expense is below the amount that was budgeted for this point in the school year.
- The expenses related to the Magnolia project will be covered through a combination of funds on hand and the anticipated loan that has been negotiated.
- At this point, indications are that total revenues exceed total expenses by $37, 700.
- The financial picture is in order at this time. The financial report was approved unanimously.
4. Board MemberUpdates Governance Committee Report
- By laws review The current bylaws are being reviewed by the Committee. The committee will be recommending some changes and additions to update the bylaws.
- Skills Assessment
We currently have vacancies on the board. As we consider adding new board members, we should be taking into consideration the skills that are currently represented on our board as well as those that are not. Completing the Skills Assessment Form will provide a clearer picture of existing and needed skills.
-Board members are asked to help identify potential new Board Members. We are interested in identifying individuals who understand the COSLA mission and are willing to put in time and energy to support that mission. Return to in-person meetings With COID-19 being a declining threat and with the high level of vaccinations among Board Members, we have the opportunity of resuming in-person meetings. We will plan to meet in-Person for our next meeting which is scheduled for August 17th.
5. CEO Updates
- TN Charter School Center Membership
This membership keeps COSLA connected to other chart schools in the state. It’s a good source of information related to planning and developments related to charter schools.COSLA Board Meeting Minutes: July 20, 2022
- On-site Review
There will be an on-site follow up visit. This will provide visual confirmation of the information included in the written report that went forth.
- School year – The2022/23 school year begins on August 1st with staff reporting. Students will report on August 8th.
- COSLA has been awarded a state grant.
6. Added Business District Leaders Meeting
- District Leaders meeting is coming up and will include planning for the coming school year.
- Committee Work
Both the Finance Committee and the Governance Committee have work to do before our next meeting. They should plan to meet between now and then.
7. Adjournment Motion to adjourn was approved unanimously at 1:15 pm

Minutes recorded by: Sylverna Ford, Board Secretary:

COSLA Board Meeting Minutes June 2022

Members and Guests Attending: Daryl Leven, Cecelia Sawyer, Marcus Newman, Karen Dotson, Sheri Catron Cooper, Rev. Marilynn Robinson, Arlender Jones

1. President Daryl Leven called the meeting to order at 12:05 pm.
2. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved with no changes or corrections.
3. The financial report was reviewed.
- No particular anomalies were noted.
- At this point in the current school year, finances are holding steady. Awaiting some reimbursement funds from the state. The financial report was approved unanimously.
4. Board Members Updates
- Governance
- Potential New Board Members
- In-Person Meeting Updates
5. CEO School Update
- Inaugural Pre K year was a great success. Met high Brigance performance data and attendance goals.
- Pre K teacher, Mr Gregory, won Pre K Teacher of the month (April) recognition.
- All but 3 Pre K students will enroll in Kindergarten for the fall.
- Enrollment in other grades held and vacant slots are being filled by new students.
- Preliminary TCAP data indicates scores were not as high as we had hoped but reached our annual measurable objectives so we are in good standing.
- It’s time to renew our charter with the Shelby County Schools. Work is underway to prepare for that process. Pulling together relevant reports, reviews, and audits.
- COSLA is celebrating its 20th year of operation. A milestone to be recognized.
- Work is progressing to get the pieces in place for the Magnolia project. Waiting to hear from LIIF on funding matters. Significant funds will be needed to make the necessary repairs to the building.
- Litigation initiated by St Andrew is still active. Discovery questions have been submitted and there is potential for depositions to be held in July.
6. Other Business
- Decision Tree Review
Depending on what happens with the church’s lawsuit, COSLA has to consider available options which could include: seeking philanthropic funding for the purchase; giving up on the idea of the purchase and staying in St Andrew; or sunsetting COSLA.
-The options werel aid out in chart form for the board to review and consider. There will be further review and discussion of these options as we move forward. In the long run, consideration must be given to how to support the stated mission of the school while maintaining the quality standards that are the COSLA trademark.
7. Special Committee Plans The Finance Committee will continue to work with the president and the CEO to codify and address the financial matters.
8. The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.

Minutes recorded by Sylverna Ford , Board Secretary