Academic Program
We believe that a rigorous academic program combined with a supportive social-emotional curriculum leads to scholar success. COSLA's academic program reflects the practices that are associated with high-performing urban schools: more time on task; standards-based instruction; research-based curricula; regular assessments; nightly homework; and horizon-broadening enrichment opportunities.More Time on Task: COSLA scholars spend approximately 20% more time in school than other Memphis public school scholars.
The school day is from 7:45 a.m. – 3:45p.m., allowing for increased time on task for scholar learning.
Standards-Based Instruction: COSLA uses the TN State Standards to ensure high quality instruction.
Grade - level teams and support team members collaborate regularly to map COSLA's curriculum, benchmark it against standards, and drive instructional decision-making in a rigorous, meaningful way.
Research-Based Curricula: COSLA adopts resources that have proven success with similar populations of scholars.
Nightly Homework: Regular homework is essential to mastering content and developing strong study habits.Scholars receive developmentally appropriate homework on a nightly basis to reinforce skills and develop study skills
Homework is checked on a daily basis and families are kept apprised of scholar success through phone calls and written logs.
Nightly Homework: Regular homework is essential to mastering content and developing strong study habits.

Continuous Assessment: Regular analysis of and reflection on scholar progress is central to COSLA's culture and to achieving our mission.
A RTI Coordinator leads assessment implementation and data collection efforts to ensure data-drive instruction;
All scholars will take four interim assessments in Reading, Writing and Math each year to gauge progress towards grade-level standards;
Scholar- and class- specific plans are created following analysis of Interim data;
All scholars take standardized assessments that both complies with our TN and Charter Accountability Goals and gives the school an end-of-year snapshot of scholar mastery of grade-level standards;
Scholars' reading fluency and comprehension levels are consistently monitored
Scholar's foundational math skills are monitored
Targeted Intervention: COSLA provides a program of intensive academic support for scholars who enter school significantly below grade level.
Our Academic Director works to ensure that the needs of each scholar performing below level are addressed. In addition to ensuring that all scholars receive their mandated services.
Classroom teachers work to ensure fluidity in literacy instruction as well as targeted intervention in the area of literacy.
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classroom teachers are supported to ensure individual attention for scholars performing at all level.
Integrated Co-Teaching pairs general education teachers and learning specialists to provide increased instructional intensity for scholars in grades 1-5.
Enrichment: Our enrichment program ensures that scholars enjoy a variety of specials activities which contribute to scholar success both inside and outside of the classroom. Science, technology, physical education, and arts instructors ensure that scholars have exposure to the arts and healthy lifestyles.
Full-time art, technology and physical education instructors ensure that scholars have exposure to the arts and healthy lifestyles.
A full-time science teacher ensures that scholars have lab experiences in addition to the literacy-based science instruction they receive from classroom teachers.

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
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COSLA is working harder than ever to ensure that our scholars receive intensive academic interventions and extended learning opportunities.